Demonstration: We are here!

Refugees und Migrant*innen fordern: Stoppt Kolonisierung, Ausbeutung und Krieg!

Wir – Geflüchtete, Migrant*innen und unsere Netzwerke fordern:

→ Stoppt Kolonisierung, Ausbeutung und Krieg!
Entschuldigung und Kompensation!

→ Für das Recht zu kommen und zu gehen!
Stoppt das Sterben! Migrationspolitiken ändern!

→ Keine Abschiebungen! Bleiberecht für alle!
Keine Lager! Wohnungen und gleiche Rechte für alle!

→ Stoppt Rassismus! Stoppt die Angst!
Brecht das Schweigen! Solidarität!

Welcome united – we'll come united!
Demonstration: Sa 24.6.2017
14:00, Hachmannplatz/Hauptbahnhof HH
Read more about Demonstration: We are here!

#NoG20 Newsletter #3 gegen den G20-Gipfel

Infos zu den NoG20-Protesten in Hamburg -- --

Yes, we Camp
Offener Brief internationaler NoG20-Aktivist*innen
Absage NoG20-Klima-Aktion Unplug G20
Paint it red! - Kampagne
Unsere Zahnbürste gegen ihre Repression
Neues aus Hamburg
Regionale Aktivitäten
Mit Bus & Bahn gegen den G20
Links, Mobi-Material & Bestelladressen
#NoG20 2017 Infoportal
Newsletter: Halte dich auf dem Laufenden!
Spenden & Soli-Mexikaner 

Den Newsletter gibt es jetzt auch als A4-Kopiervorlage zum Ausdrucken, Kopieren und Verbreiten z.B. auf Infotischen etc.: nog20-newsletter03.pdf

Block the summit, Reclaim the city!

Hamburg, July 7th A disobedient mass actionnat the red zone

This is our action plan for the first day of the G20 Summit. Numerous different groups and move-ments have, during two Red Zone Action Working Group meetings in January and February 2017, contributed to the drafting and discussion of this proposal. We collectively adopted the following action plan which will serve as a reference framework and an orientation

State of emergency: The G20 occupy the city Read more about Block the summit, Reclaim the city!

Aktionsprogramm G20 Finanzministertreffen in Baden-Baden

Programme of action

Freitag, 17.03.2017 – Aktionen/
Friday, 17th March 2017 – events

Tagsüber / Day:

Pressekonferenzen vom europäischen Attac-Netzwerk (EAN) zum Thema Steueroasen und weltweiter Steuerpolitik zum Thema Schuldenschnitt/
Press conference of the European Attac Network (EAN) on the subject of tax havens und worldwide taxation policies
14:00 Aktion „Schuldenschnitt“ an der Reinhard-Fieser-Brücke. Veranstalter: – Entwicklung braucht Entschuldung und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen Baden-Baden/
14:00 An action on Debt Relief on the Reinhard-Fieser-Brücke.
from the –campaign, organised by „Entwicklung braucht Entschuldung“ and the „Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen“ Baden-Baden Read more about Aktionsprogramm G20 Finanzministertreffen in Baden-Baden

Against the Poverty of ruling Politics - 18M Call in Baden-Baden,Germany

# unbound solidarity # unbound feminism # unbound anticapitalism

Trump, Erdogan, Merkel,Putin and 16 other shades of the sad grey capitalism will come to Hamburg this summer. With their presentation of power in the heart of the city they will write another sad chapter of the wandering circus called G20. A few month in advance, on the 17th and 18th of March, they will send their ministers of finance to Baden-Baden in southern Germany. There, between black forest idyll and casino atmosphere, they will try to stabilize capitalism in its crisis. Read more about Against the Poverty of ruling Politics - 18M Call in Baden-Baden,Germany


April 7 from 11 am to 6 pm (in Hamburg) Invitation to an International meeting to prepare the mobilisation against G20 summit

Invitation to an International meeting
to prepare the mobilisation against G20 summit, July 7th/8th in Hamburg
April 7 from 11 am to 6 pm (in Hamburg)
(More soon at or write to Read more about WE ARE THE OTHER WORLD: DON’T MOURN, LET’S ORGANIZE!

G20 – Welcome to Hell

Welcome to hell! Protest gegen den G20-Gipfel 2017 in Hamburg

The next summit of the world‘s 20 economically and politically most powerful countries is supposed to take place on 7 and 8 July 2017 in Hamburg. The envisaged venues are the exhibition halls in Hamburg’s inner city in the residential quarter St. Pauli. There will be thousands of delegation members and journalists accompanying and an army of police, secret service and the military protecting the world’s rulers. The integration of international unions and NGOs is sustaining the claim to take far-reaching decisions. Read more about G20 – Welcome to Hell

Invitation to Join Political Actions Against the Politics of the G20 Over the Next Year

AG Migration

On 3 and 4 December, an action conference took place in Hamburg to plan protests against the G20 summit in July 2017. A working group on refugees and migration was formed, which is considering how to use this opportunity to collectively organize massive protests against border regimes, deportations, racism, (neo)colonialism, and nationalism. Read more about Invitation to Join Political Actions Against the Politics of the G20 Over the Next Year


Invitation to the rst Action-Conference against the G20 Summit 2017

Hamburg, 3-4 December 2016

Location: HAW (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg), Alexanderstraße 1 20099 Hamburg. How to get there: 15mins walking distance from Hamburg central station or U-Lohmühlenstraße (U1), or follow the link.

Dear friends, international fellows and interested people, Read more about LET ́S MAKE THE PICTURES THAT WILL GO AROUND THE WORLD IN JULY 2017 PICTURES OF OUR RESISTANCE.
